Monday, February 25, 2008

Orange Peels and Marmalade

Lyka's first winter with us was soon after she came home and at this time we still hadn't figured out what foods she would and would not eat. So in the course of our experiments, I sat down to peel an orange one day. Lyka being curious about this new edible came close to smell and categorize the fruit into "friend/foe." Now we all know how the orange peel has a habit of squirting and this usually hits someone's eyes with accuracy. In this case Lyka got caught squarely and I can only describe her reaction as complete shock that something round and generally characterless could sting so much. She backed away and watched me warily, thinking this was some form of punishment I had devised. That day forward, you couldn't bring Lyka within 3 feet of an orange and if you brought the peel anywhere near her face she would snarl (gently) and let you know orange were no joke to her.

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