Thursday, September 27, 2007

Her tummy, a bottomless pit.

Lyka could tuck in an enormous amount of food and have nothing to show for it. She was never obese, as is the tendency with most Labs. She had perfected the art of making people feel guilty. She would eat an enormous meal and have a starved and piteous look an hour later.

She knew who the pushover was in the house and target them at tea time for biscuits or anything crunchy. The only time she EVER sat like a dog was during tea time, and dinner when there was chicken. She took up her position at a distance from the table where she had everyone in her line of vision, and looked at us unblinkingly, willing us to take pity on her and give her her all time favorite “Jim Jam.”

If we avoided looking at her, she would go below the table and look up at us from under the glass. She never let us forget that she was one of us and had equal, if not more, share in the cookie packet. I, of course, always succumbed.

Every evening after her meal she had this wonderful habit of thanking me for giving her her food. She did this by wiping her mouth on my clothes!

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