It's been several months since I wrote on this blog. I've been caught up with the mundanities of my life and found more expression for my daily trials. But today I was flipping through some old pictures of home and family and Lyka features in so many of them. And I just stopped and realized that it's been nearly 9 months since she passed. A mini-lifetime has passed in between with many changes, but thinking about her at least once a day hasn't changed.
Strangely enough, the time I remember her everyday is on the way to work, when I pass some huts on the road that have goats tied up in front. I saw a man giving an animal a good scrub down and the goat was very patiently standing there waiting for the ordeal to be completed, probably thinking that the indignity of being bathed rivalled the ultimate fate that lays in wait for it. It only reminded me of Lyka and the fuss she would create everytime we gave her a bath which usually resulted in more water drenching us than soaking through her coat.
My parents and I have not had the courage still to visit her. I don't think we'll ever be able to. It's still too difficult. We prefer remeniscing over drinks and laughing over her antics. A lot of family is visiting this summer and I think it will be the first time they're coming over without Lyka in the house. A lot of new chapters have begun this past year but I don't think this is one is closed.